Microsoft Teams – Cannot chat with external users

So Microsoft changed things again. This time, it seems you can have a Teams meeting with external users but can’t chat with them, if their account is not company-managed. Here’s the work around for that, in Powershell. Please authenticate with your Tennant as usual and:

Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name MicrosoftTeams
Install-Module MicrosoftTeams
Set-CSTenantFederationConfiguration -AllowTeamsConsumer:$true

Microsoft 365 – Disable MFA on admin account using PowerShell when locked out

The phone-number associated with the admin account was no longer available so the client couldn’t access the admin portal of Microsoft 365 as the following message popped-up:

“More information required – Your organisation needs more information to keep your account secure”

And there was NO way to get passed that. Total lock-out. So, fire up PowerShell on a Windows machine (PS on a Mac does not work with MSOnline) and copy/paste the following lines to disable MFA and get asked to enter a new phone number! Please change the admin email and password to yours.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Install-Module PowershellGet -Force
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement

$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'SuperSecretPassword' -AsPlainText -Force
$o365cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("", $secpasswd)
Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $o365cred -ShowBanner:$false

Install-Module MSOnline
Import-Module MSOnline
Connect-MsolService -Credential $o365cred

Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName | Set-MsolUser -StrongAuthenticationMethods @()

Synology Cloud Station and the pesky TailCharacterConflict error

At my (previous) company we’re using Synology Cloud Station with 20 users and lots of files. One user was complaining that the folder names were renamed with this nice addition:

Company Name B.V._PC_Name_UserName_Jan-27-145750-2015_TailCharacterConflict

Everything I tried didn’t help: renaming the folder, deleting it from the server, resyncing, everything. Google wasn’t a big help either. The folder kept being renamed with this very irritating TailCharacterConflict.

Until I saw the pattern.

You CAN’T let you folder name end with a trailing PERIOD. In this case, the folder name was Company Name B.V.

Changing the folder name to Company Name BV (with the periods) solved the problem. Insane, but true!

Get the latest BlackBerry App World update; without getting stuck in the loop.

Browse to this link with your BB to get the latest App World update; without getting stuck in the ‘You need to update App World before you can download App World using the App World app’-loop.

Solved: “[Firmware Bug] ACPI No _BQC method”, initial brightness problem when installing Linux

Tried to install OpenElec and Ubuntu on a mini-ITX Sapphire White system and every time I tried to run the installer, I got a blank screen.
So I booted OpenElec (and Ubuntu) without the ‘quiet’ option from the kernel parameters and I was able to see this error:

[Firmware Bug] ACPI No _BQC method, cannot determine initial brightness


My system is NOT a laptop so I don’t care about brightness. Searching for a solution on the internet got me nowhere; it involved recompiling kernels but that’s not very useful when I still need to install the Linux distribution.

But I found a solution! Forcing this entry into the kernel parameters while booting the installer:


… it solved my problems! So, OpenElec and Ubuntu are now installing without problems.

BUT, don’t forget to modify your installed distro to reflect the same parameter! If you use OpenElec, you’ll need to manually add the parameter when booting it, SSH into your box and remount the /flash mount as RW (mount -o remount,rw /flash), so you can edit the syslinux.cfg file and add the parameter.

Cisco SG300 / SG500 switch SSH Public key authentication

Argh! I wasn’t able to paste my public SSH key into the switch’s GUI (keeps on giving me a very annoying error:

Invalid key string.
When a Key is entered, it should contain the “BEGIN” and “END” markers.

So, let’s try the CLI. I presume you already know how to handle a Cisco from the terminal.

– Enable ssh-server on the switch

switchxxxxxx(config)# ip ssh server

– Enable public key authentication

switchxxxxxx(config)# ip ssh pubkey-auth auto-login

– Add a user:

switchxxxxxx(config)# username martijn password SecretPassword privilege 15

– Then, add user’s public key

switchxxxxxx(config)# crypto key pubkey-chain ssh
switchxxxxxx(config-pubkey-chain)# user-key martijn rsa
switchxxxxxx(config-pubkey-key)# key-string

(paste your here)

– Check if the fingerprint is correct:

switchxxxxxx# show crypto key pubkey-chain ssh

Username Fingerprint
————– —————————————————————
martijn 35:ea:60:06:fc:d7:f7:d3:3b:d1:0f:10:63:f7:0b:02

Now try to ssh to your switch; no password should be asked.

SkyCity 802.11n USB 2.0 driver for Windows

Bought a very cheap DealExtreme WiFi USB adapter with this info:

Driver Information for Realtek RTL8188CU Wireless LAN 802.11n USB 2.0 Network Adapter / ECS H61H2-M3
Device Name
Realtek RTL8188CU Wireless LAN 802.11n USB 2.0 Network Adapter
Hardware ID
USB\VID_0BDA&PID_8176 <—- Device ID matches with our database

Compatible IDs:

Device Type
Driver Version
OS Support
Driver Date
Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

And finally found a working Windows driver:

Just wanted to share 🙂

Reverse DNS & Telecom Italia (Interbusiness)

Per cambiare il Reverse DNS (rDNS) di Telecom Italia (Interbusiness) da loro nome di default tipo


in il nome del vostro nome dominio / mail server, tipo, basta fare una chiamata a

800-018914, opzione 5

e chiedere il cambio. Tutto lì!

Dopo il cambio, potreste controllare qua se tutto funziona:
…cliccando sul SMTP Test

Debian 6 and slow DNS lookup & resolving

Just installed a basic Debian 6 server and was amazed about how much time it took to resolve any domain name; at least 4 seconds. But I found the solution: if you don’t use IPv6 then disable it.

Check the IPv6 alias:

grep ipv6 /etc/modprobe.d/aliases

This should give you this entry:

# alias net-pf-10 ipv6

Edit that file and change the line to:

alias net-pf-10 off ipv6

Then reboot. As always, YMMV.

Windows 2008 R2 Server & Windows 7 Pro: Unidentified network unchangeable

After installing Windows 2008 R2 inside VMware, I changed the network driver from E1000 to VMNET3. No problem, Windows 2008 R2 recognized the new adapters after a reboot. I only had to change the DHCP IP address to fixed IP. And then the problems started: apparently Windows 2008 (or Windows 7) won’t let you change the network location as soon as it has put the network in the ‘Unidentified network’ category. Trying ‘to fix’ this problem using the Windows ‘Diagnose’ tool just removed the fixed IP address and put it back on DHCP (and strangely, now the network category is Public).

This, of course, sucks.

However, this little trick should work:

1. Start –> run –> MMC –> press enter

2. In MMC console , from menu file select Add/Remove Snap-in

3. Select Group Policy Object editor –> Press Add –> select Local computer –> press OK –>press OK

4. Open Computer configration –>Windows Settings –>Security Settings –>select Network list manager policies

5. Double click –>Unidentified networks

Then you can select the option to consider the Unidentified networks as private.

This worked for me !